What is HIIT and how does it work

We all know how important it is to pay attention to health and fitness in today’s time, but it is also important to have some information, today we will know what HIIT is and how it works. 

What is HIIT and how does it work

In simple words, HIIT is made up of both aerobic and these aerobic exercises, which is called HIIT, we can do a maximum of 30 minutes, then we do aerobic exercise for some time, then for some time these aerobic. 

It is not difficult for anyone to do running or workout cost, but it is impossible to divide this into two parts, it is called HIIT, let’s know how it works? 

What is HIIT and how does it work
What is HIIT and how does it work

By doing HIIT daily, the body composition and mental improvement is necessary for physical strength, proper food and exercise are necessary. 

The greater demand or effectiveness of HIIT comes from the demands that high-intensity workouts place on the body rather than the old method such as slow twitch muscle fibers. HIIT’s power needs also tap into fast twitch muscle fibers in maintaining fitness.  HIIT uses all three main energy sources of the body, all this creates a huge demand in the production of energy.  as well as generates the demand for the muscle fibers themselves

Physical strength increases as the exercise goes on, there is a lot of problem in the beginning but gradually more improvement is visible than before.

Read more: what is ULIP

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