is facebook down

Facebook is the most loved and used social network and website, but recently many users have reported and emailed that is facebook down, when users use the site, a technical error message is received.

is facebook down

Many people have questions about the Facebook app, especially those who use it on the desktop.

When it comes to user complaints and problems, 17 percent of users reported using the Facebook app, 71 percent reported website issues, and 12 percent reported login issues.

Downdetector errors have increased from 1000 to 6000 in just a few minutes. Many users have reported about 80 percent of the users who have reported login problems on the website. When users login, they receive a message saying something went wrong.  Many people reported from country and abroad, a user told that the problem has also been seen on the feed of the Facebook app.

These issues are affecting the browser while app related issues are being looked into separately.

By tweeting the message on Twitter also, the user kept his problem. A user told that my live feed is not visible.

is facebook down
is facebook down

Most of the users are raising questions on these important points

1. Facebook user told about the problem related to Facebook’s feed

2. About celebrity page full of comments

3. Facebook hasn’t confirmed the apparent outage

Complainants kept coming in regarding the comment information posted on the account of many stars

Let us tell you that the biggest accounts are also included in the affected account, in which Cristiano Ronaldo alone has more than 152 million followers. Recently, Mark Zuckerberg lost about $ 9.6 billion due to the fall in the company’s shares, which is a matter of concern for him.

Is According to a data related to Facebook, the estimated monthly activation of Facebook users is 2.9 billion. Facebook is also the most searched social site.

The problem seen recently has come after 2008, which is the biggest outage of Facebook.

Worldwide in case of interruption or problem with this service There is a stir, you can guess how Facebook is connected to people’s lives.

Let us tell you that many people and their information are also in danger by using Facebook, especially their accounts, but Facebook has a very strong server system, if you are a Twitter user and you want to know about it, then you  You can see with the hashtag #isfacebookdown

Sometimes these problems may be related to the user’s system rather than Facebook, sometimes there may be a problem related to the user’s setting, there may be a need to fix the browser, such as updates, etc.

See storage, see new updates, it is not necessary that there is a problem with your data, so it is necessary to be aware of such updates, keeping an eye on your security and system.

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