How to apply birth certificate online and offline

When we are aware that means we are educated, then we definitely worry about ourselves and tomorrow,

How to apply birth certificate online and offline

we do not worry because what will happen tomorrow, we are worried that we do not have the right information, let us know. How you can make birth certificate complete information

What is Birth Certificate?

Birth certificate contains all the information of the child, it is also legal in a way, in which the date of birth, name, place of birth, gender and parent’s name of the child are written where the child is resident. 

How to apply birth certificate online and offline

How to apply birth certificate online and offlineBirth certificate is the right of the child, it should not be snatched, today’s parents prepare before the birth of the child, it is also necessary that all the parents should do this for their children.

Why is a birth certificate necessary?

Birth certificate has become very important in today’s time, nowadays it also creates obstacles in legal proceedings, even if you go for admission in school, you are still asked to show birth certificate. 

Let us know some important points

  • grow up to enroll in any college
  • To take advantage of the government scheme coming in the country in future
  • It is necessary for problems like child marriage and physical abuse
  • Birth certificate is also necessary for who you are, what is your identity because gender is mentioned in it.
  • When you get the age certificate made in government work, even then you are asked for a birth certificate.
  • When you go abroad, you need a passport, to get it made it is necessary to have a birth certificate.
  • It is necessary to take a share or take in the property of one’s ancestors.

Where is the birth certificate made?

How to apply birth certificate online and offline
How to apply birth certificate online and offline

Mainly birth certificates are made where the child and his parents are residing, the center can also be sub-center, let’s know the main address where there is every possibility to be made.

  • Municipality 
  • Nagar Panchayat 
  • Gram Panchayat (in village)
  • Municipal Council

What is the process of getting a birth certificate?

To get the birth certificate made, it is necessary that within 21 days of the birth of the child, if you do more than one day, then the birth certificate will be made legally.

When you will get the birth certificate made, it will be sent for verification to the hospital where the child is born, after it is verified from there the process proceeds. 

You can get the birth certificate made both online and offline.

How will you apply offline?

Apart from the online process, you can get it done offline and soon, so you have to do that

  • If you want an offline birth certificate, then go to the office related to this matter and get the form from them.  
  • If your child was born in a hospital, then the Chief Medical Officer himself should provide that form
  • Now after filling all the information from the birth of the child and taking the necessary documents of the hospital, we will submit it to the registrar.
  • Now it is the responsibility of the registrar to check all the information like date of birth, time, name and place of parents, nursing etc.
  • Now after this if everything is correct then the applicant is sent and will reach your home within about 7 to 15 days.
How to apply birth certificate online and offline
How to apply birth certificate online and offline


How will you apply online?

In today’s time, sitting at home, you can do many things through the Internet, one of them is birth certificate, let’s know how to make birth certificate online? 

  • First of all, Gov. You will have to go to these websites, which is the website of the government, you have to go to this to get online.
  • After visiting the website, signup visible on the side and after signing up fill the form shown in which enter the details like date of birth, gender etc.
  • Next you will be given a code for verification, by entering which you can get verified.
  • For further confirmation, an email will be sent to the email id by clicking on which you can enter a new password.
  • Next, fill the name, parent’s and place and submit it in 24 hours, now you can get its soft copy or print out for future.
  • You go offline and submit this form to the registrar, he will send you an email for confirmation, you will now keep on telling its status from your mobile


Those children who were born at home, go to this website, there is also a website of the state government, apply there whose children were not born at home.

Documents for getting a birth certificate?

  • First of all, you need the proof of birth of the child from the hospital i.e. Rashid.
  • Identity card of the parents in which they are described and recognized by the Government of India
  • Print out when you applied online 
  • If you are getting the birth certificate of the child made after one year then you will need an affidavit 

How much does it cost to get a birth certificate made?

If you applied 21 days before the birth of the child, then you will not have to pay any fee, if you have exceeded 21 days then you will have to pay Rs. 2 If it is more than 30, then 5 rupees will have to be paid. And if it was close to 1 year, 10 rupees would have to be given.

A Now you have got all the information related to birth certificate, how is the information, please tell by commenting.

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